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2008-06-27 12:00

Erik Olsson resigns from Posten

Erik Olsson, President and CEO of Posten AB, and proposed President and CEO for the merged company with Post Danmark, leaves his position immediately due to lack of confidence from the Board. 

Lars G. Nordström is appointed President and CEO of Posten AB. He will also lead the task of preparing for the integration with Post Danmark. Lars G. Nordström is a member of the Board of Nordea, where he was President and CEO until 2007. He is also a member of the board of TeliaSonera and VikingLine. 

The process to recruit a permanent President and CEO will begin immediately. 

Accord to contract, Erik Olsson has the right to 12 months notice in case of dismissal. He is also entitled to a severance pay equal to one year's salary. The severance pay will be deducted against employment income. Olsson will be at the company's disposal during his period of notice. 

For media inquiries:
Please contact Marianne Nivert, chairman of Board of Posten, through Posten's press department: + 46 8 23 10 10   

Posten connects people and organizations around the world by delivering mail promptly, reliably and cost-effectively. We drive value creation by combining conventional postal services and convenient electronic solutions, and integrating these services into customer businesses. With over 4,000 retail service outlets, we provide daily service to 4.5 million homes and 900,000 businesses in Sweden. Every day we handle close to 20 million pieces of mail. With sales of nearly SEK 30 billion and roughly 30,000 employees, the group is one of the largest in Sweden. The group's parent, Posten AB (publ), is wholly owned by the Swedish Government. For more information, please visit our website at



Last Updated: 2008-06-27 12:00