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Industry agreement for fossil-free deliveries

We offer fossil-free delivery of goods bought online.

Fossil-free e-commerce logistics

If you shop online and see “fossil-free delivery” as a delivery option for PostNord, you can be sure that the e-commerce purchase will be transported with fossil-free fuel from the e-retailer’s warehouse in Sweden all the way to the end customer, regardless of whether delivery is made to a service point or parcel locker, or via home delivery.
We cannot yet offer fossil-free delivery for all parcels. But we are transporting more and more parcels with fossil-free vehicles, and by 2030 all our transport will run on fossil-free fuels. Find out more about our transition to fossil-free vehicles.

Fossil-free fuels

Classifying the delivery as fossil-free means that the fuel consists of one or more non-fossil raw materials. Unlike fossil fuels, such as diesel or gasoline, fossil-free fuels do not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during transportation and are thus a better option for the environment and the climate. PostNord mainly uses HVO100, biogas and electricity as fossil-free fuels.

Our fossil-free deliveries are made in accordance with the Industry agreement for fossil-free deliveries (Branschöverenskommelsen för fossilfria leveranser) initiative, which defines fossil-free as being energy that comes from fossil-free energy sources, and which is thus not produced from fossil forms of coal, oil or gas. Fossil-free energy sources include hydro, wind, solar, nuclear, biomass and muscle power.
More information about which fuels are defined as being fossil-free is available at

An industry-wide initiative

There has long been a lack of a definition of the term fossil-free delivery and what it actually means. Both logistics companies and e-retailers want it to be easy and clear to choose shipping options that have less impact on the environment. PostNord and other logistics operators, together with several e-retailers, are therefore supporting the Industry agreement for fossil-free deliveries - an initiative launched by the Swedish Trade Federation to ensure a common definition for the term fossil-free delivery for online purchases. PostNord was involved in drawing up the Industry agreement and has of course signed it.

Our services with the option of fossil-free delivery

Nordic Swan Ecolabel e-commerce logistics

Our e-commerce transports to consumers are Nordic Swan Ecolabel deliveries.

About our services with Nordic Swan Ecolabel deliveries
About our services with Nordic Swan Ecolabel deliveries