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Response Analysis

Response Analysis provides insight into which customers respond to your mailings and how you can optimize future campaigns to achieve a better impact.

In connection with Direct Mail, it is often expected that responses will be received from your recipients. The investment should pay for itself in the form of a conversion, for example. sold items, or new members or subscribers. With Response Analysis, the address or postal code selection is compared with the responses you receive as a result of the campaign. With the insight gained from such an analysis about completed campaigns, you can optimize future campaigns and thereby achieve a better impact.

To get the most out of the analysis, we need information about the selection of recipients as well as a response file containing

  • address information
  • Customer ID. A unique customer number can be useful for identifying customers who have changed their address.

The analysis is presented in a written report and by means of a personal presentation.

Example of content in the report

  • What proportion responded compared to the size of the mailing?
  • Which customers responded?
  • Where geographically and how do the customers that responded live?
  • What are the customers’ current phase of life?
  • What consumption patterns do the customers have?
  • Which activities and interests do the customers have?
  • What opinions and values do the customers have?
  • Do the customers want to receive advertising or not?
  • Do the customers own a car, boat or summer house etc.?
  • From where do the customers come and what are their political views?
  • What media and Internet habits do the customers have?


You can obtain an analysis and a report based on the analysis for SEK 27,500 (excl. VAT).


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