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Omnichannel communication

Omnichannel helps you communicate with your customers on their terms, giving them the best customer experience – physically and digitally.
"Communicate with your customers on their terms, in the best possible channel"

Do you need help understanding which channels are best for reaching your target groups? Then Omnichannel is for you!

As digitalization increases, customers’ demands for how they want to receive information and offers from various companies have changed. It has become more important to communicate with them on their terms.

Together with our digitalization partner PostNord Strålfors, we are offering Omnichannel communication solutions. When we use the term omnichannel, we are referring to the end customer’s seamless, channel-independent communication experience. Omnichannel – provides a recipient-adapted communication and branding experience.

We will help you handle your customer data to give you a deeper understanding of how you can best reach your customers. Using Omnichannel, you can distribute the information you want through the channels that best suit your customers. You can send physical or digital information – to many people or just to one.

For example, you can send customer club letters, invoices, account statements or contracts to your counterparty for digital signing.

Omnichannel provides a better customer experience

Customers get

  • to receive information in their preferred channel
  • the opportunity to have a dialog with you – as a response function, digital signatures or direct payment
  • relevant information at the proper time
  • the ability to access your information when and where it suits them.

Omnichannel will help you the whole way – from simple to more complicated solutions – by

  • identifying opportunities together
  • customizing effective solutions
  • integrating systems and tools
  • taking responsibility for the process.
  • products included in Omnichannel.

We Mail – if you send us your file we can handle your mailings, regardless of the desired channel, physical or digital.

eBREV – if you want to avoid paperwork and administration by letting PostNord take care of all your mailings to customers. (SE)

Scanning – receive your company’s mail in a collected flow and have mail distributed electronically within your company.

eInvoice – PostNord Strålfors offers e-invoicing via internet bank in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Improve customer satisfaction with easy-to-use solutions that are available when the user wants them.

EDI – EDI service makes it possible for companies, government agencies and organizations to exchange electronic messages, such as orders and invoices, all over the world.

Digital Inboxes– simple integration and file transfer to the Digital Inboxes solution in the Nordic region. It gives you the ability to easily and quickly send all kinds of documents to business partners, government agencies, employees and customers via a secure communication channel.

eArchive – secure your communication with PostNord Strålfors’ electronic archiving, eArchive. It provides fast, flexible and cost-effective access to all types of data, around the clock.

Mobile Invoice – mobile phones are the channel we always carry with us. We therefore react quickly when we receive important messages via this channel. With Mobile Invoice, invoices are sent directly to customers’ mobile phones. This results in improved customer experiences, a higher willingness to pay and shorter payment reception times.

Dynamic Communication – with Dynamic Communication, you transform all information and all invoices into interesting and interactive documents that your customers are keen to read and explore. The solution is fully flexible and supports omnichannel delivery.