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Internal Postal Service

Optimize your company's mail management with our tailor-made solutions – from internal transport to digitalized mail handling.
Become a service agreement customer
"We simplify your daily operations and optimize your company's internal mail management to suit your needs."

Internal Postal Service?

Internal Mail Service is a business solution where we tailor unique services to streamline your company's internal mail management. This can include internal transportation and consolidated deliveries of letters, packages, and goods. It may also involve handling, sorting, and distributing all your internal mail and packages, scanning documents into digital formats, or franking outgoing mail and parcels.

We base our solutions entirely on your needs, creating a service that simplifies operations for your business. Further down the page, you can read examples of the companies we currently support with internal mail services.

Internal Mail Service is a subscription-based service, billed in advance at the end of each month. To order Internal Postal Service you need become a service agreement customer.

How do I order?

Order online

To order Internal Mail Service, contact our customer service or your sales representative, and we’ll tell you more about our solutions and how we can best support your business.

Contact our customer service here or call 0771-33 33 10. You can also reach us via chat or email.

Order Internal Postal Service

Tailor-made solutions for your business.

Become a service agreement customer
Become a service agreement customer