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Sorting instructions

If your company has large mailings, you can make the handling of these more efficient by using our sorting instructions.
"Streamline your large mailings with our sorting instructions."

Simplify Your Mail Management

If you are sending a lot of letters or periodicals, it is beneficial to follow our sorting instructions. The shipment of mail will then be classified as a Sorted Letter Shipment or Sorted Periodical Shipment and you pay a lower price.

Sorting file

You need the sorting file in order to be able to follow the sorting instructions. It is structured in such a way that the postal code and postal town determine the allocation to a specific distribution office.

Sorting program

In order to make it easier for you to submit large mailings that need to be sorted in a certain way, we provide a special sorting program, which you can download to your computer.

Drop-off locations

Information about where you can submit your sorted mailings is available in our fact sheets.

Service Description Effective Next Period
1:a-klassbrev sändning inrikes (Letter Shipments Domestic) Sorting and packing instructions 2024-10-17
1:a-klassbrev sändning inrikes (Letter Shipments Domestic) Instructions PostNord's sorting file 2015-12-18
1:a-klassbrev sändning inrikes (Letter Shipments Domestic) Sorting file 2025-02-01
Adresserad DR (Addressed Direct Mail) Sorting and packing instructions 2024-10-17
Adresserad DR (Addressed Direct Mail) Instructions PostNord's sorting file 2015-12-18
Adresserad DR (Addressed Direct Mail) Sorting file 2025-02-01
Brevsändningar utrikes (Letter Shipments International) Sorting and packing instructions 2024-10-17
Ekonomibrev sändning inrikes (Letter Shipments Domestic) Sorting and packing instructions 2024-10-17
Ekonomibrev sändning inrikes (Letter Shipments Domestic) Instructions PostNord's sorting file 2015-12-18
Ekonomibrev sändning inrikes (Letter Shipments Domestic) Sorting file 2025-02-01
Oadresserad DR (eng) Sorting and packing instructions 2024-10-17
Posttidning A och B (Periodicals Domestic) Sorting and packing instructions 2024-10-17
Posttidning A och B (Periodicals Domestic) Instructions PostNord's sorting file 2015-12-18
Posttidning A och B (Periodicals Domestic) Sorting file 2025-02-01

Do you want to find out more about how to make your sorting activities more efficient?

You are welcome to contact us by email and we will tell you more.
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