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UDM Exclusive

Increase your sales and reach new customers with Unaddressed Direct Mail.
Become a service agreement customer
"Reach potential customers across all of Sweden at a low cost."

What is UDM Exclusive?

UDM Exclusive is an advertising service for businesses looking to increase sales and reach new customers. The shipments are sent without an address and distributed to households and businesses across all of Sweden. Since the advertising is not sent to any personal address, it is ideal for those without a customer database and for those who want to reach a completely new target audience without needing to purchase addresses.

UDM Exclusive is not distributed to households or villas that have opted out of receiving advertising.

To order UDM Exclusive, you need to become a service agreement customer.

UDM Community Information Exclusive

UDM Community Information Exclusive is non-commercial information that is also distributed to those who have opted out of receiving advertising. These shipments may include:

  • Municipal and state information leaflets
  • Information materials from political parties, non-profit organizations, or religious communities

If you are unsure whether the shipment meets the requirements for community information, we recommend emailing it to us for approval. The shipment should be in PDF format, and we need it at least 12 business days before the planned distribution start date.


UDM Exclusive is typically distributed within two business days, starting on Mondays (non-holiday).

UDM Community Information Exclusive is typically delivered within four weekdays, starting on a non-holiday Monday.

How do I use this service?


An UDM shipment must always be booked in advance. Bookings are made via phone to customer service no later than 3:00 PM, 12 business days before the distribution start. During the booking, we will go over the details of the format, packaging, and labeling. At the time of booking, you will also receive all the necessary documents. If the booking is made in another way, such as via email, only excel format will be accepted.

Book early and get a discount

If you place your booking your UDM shipment at least six weeks before the delivery start date, you’ll receive a discount on all shipments.

Learn more about the applicable booking and submission deadlines for 2025 (Swedish only)  


When submitting UDM Exclusive, you must provide an open sample copy and a booking confirmation per booking and mail terminal. All items in a shipment must have the same weight, format, and appearance and may not contain any attachments. The sender's name and address must be clearly stated on the shipment or the packaging. If the shipments are sent open, it is sufficient for this information to be clearly visible within the content.

Submission Deadlines

  • Mail Terminal (Local Distribution): No later than 12:00 PM, five business days before the distribution start. This applies to local distribution within the same postal code area as the submission location.

  • Mail Terminal (Collecting) and Business Service Centre: No later than 6:00 PM, six business days before the distribution start. Local exceptions may apply.

UDM Exclusive or UDM Community Information Exclusive are not distributed during weeks 27–32.

Recipient Groups


Residents in houses or apartments.


Detached houses, townhouses, or terraced houses. In detached houses with two or three apartments, each apartment is considered a villa recipient.

Holiday Homes during the Summer Period

Temporary residences during weeks 27–32.


Companies and offices with one or more employees. Farms are counted as their own recipient group.


Farms where commercial agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, or fruit and vegetable cultivation is conducted.


Weight and Measures 

Minimum: 90 x 140 mm 
Maximum 235 x 325 x 20 mm
Max weight: 2 kilos

For shipments with more than 100,000 items, a separate agreement must be made, and a customer assignment must be established.

Generall Service Information 

Submission: Business Service Centres and Mail Terminals
Point of Delivery: Mailbox
Traceable: Nej 
Delivery UDM Exclusive: 1–2 weekdays from the start of distribution
Delivery UDM Community Information Exclusive: 1–4 weekdays from the start of distribution

UDM Exclusive

Increase your sales and reach new target audiences with Unaddressed Direct Mail.

Become a service agreement customer
Become a service agreement customer