Postage rates for parcels
All prices are valid from Dec 1, 2023, and are except from VAT unless otherwise stated. These prices apply to direct-payment customers.
For more services and prices, see price lists for private customers.
Service agreement customers have specific price lists.
Postage rates for domestic parcel
Prices Parcel Post (Service point)
Max. weight in kg | Price per parcel (SEK) |
1 | 112 |
2 | 150 |
3 | 165 |
5 | 195 |
10 | 250 |
15 | 295 |
20 | 345 |
A fee of SEK 215 (SEK 172 excl. VAT) will be charged for parcels longer than 1.2 meters.
Prices Parcel Post (Skicka Direkt)
Max. weight in kg | Price per parcel (SEK) |
1 | 82,00 |
2 | 120,00 |
3 | 135,00 |
5 | 165,00 |
10 | 220,00 |
15 | 265,00 |
20 | 315,00 |
There in an additional charge Special handling of SEK 125,- (SEK 100, - exc. VAT) for packages longer than 1.2 m or wider than 0.6 m. The additional charge for Special handling is also applicable for packages which are unsuitable for machine sorting– for example, irregularly shaped packages, rolls, tubes, sacks, buckets, etc. – and packages with inadequate packaging. For additional information, see
International Parcel
Postage rates for international parcel
Weight kg | At service point within EU | At service point outside EU | Via Skicka Direkt within Europa | Other countries |
1 | 358 | 408 | 451 | 328 |
2 | 403 | 453 | 555 | 373 |
3 | 446 | 496 | 662 | 416 |
4 | 491 | 541 | 767 | 461 |
5 | 536 | 586 | 871 | 506 |
6 | 583 | 633 | 976 | 553 |
7 | 627 | 677 | 1 082 | 597 |
8 | 671 | 721 | 1 186 | 641 |
9 | 659 | 766 | 1 291 | 686 |
10 | 760 | 810 | 1 396 | 730 |
11 | 805 | 855 | 1 502 | 775 |
12 | 851 | 901 | 1 607 | 821 |
13 | 894 | 944 | 1 712 | 864 |
14 | 939 | 989 | 1 816 | 909 |
15 | 984 | 1 034 | 1 922 | 954 |
16 | 1 028 | 1 078 | 2 027 | 998 |
17 | 1 073 | 1 123 | 2 131 | 1 043 |
18 | 1 118 | 1 168 | 2 237 | 1 088 |
19 | 1 163 | 1 213 | 2 343 | 1 133 |
20 | 1 207 | 1 257 | 2 447 | 1 177 |