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Missing, damaged or delayed consignments

Is your consignment missing or have you received a consignment that has been damaged during transport?

We offer communications and logistics solutions to, from, and within the Nordic region. We are also proud of being responsible for providing the universal postal service to households and businesses in Sweden and Denmark. In 2018, PostNord delivered 3.3 billion letters and mail items and 171 million parcels to the 27 million inhabitants and two million companies in the Nordic region.

We maintain a high level of delivery quality, but do sometimes make mistakes.

Make a complaint or submit feedback

If you think that PostNord has made a mistake, you are welcome to contact us with a complaint or feedback, so that we can check what has gone wrong. This will help us prevent it from happening again and allow us to do a better job.

A complaint means something relating to a specific consignment or shipment. Feedback is a collective term for suggested changes, praise and general complaints about products/services and our level of service.

Customer service is PostNord’s main channel for submitting complaints and feedback, you can get in touch via telephone or email. We investigate all customer feedback that comes in and pass on relevant information to the specific mail carriers to ensure that problems are not repeated.

PostNord Sweden reports the number of complaints and customer feedback submissions made each year regarding the universal postal service to the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority. The reporting is carried out in accordance with the European Standard EN 14012.

Useful to know before making a complaint

  • Letters that we are not able to deliver due to an incorrect or incomplete address are returned to the sender. If there is no sender address available, we will, in accordance with the Postal Act, send domestic letters to the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS). Requests to try to find missing letters can be submitted via the PTS website. Letters from abroad that cannot be delivered are returned to the sending country.
  • No financial compensation will be given for standard letters (i.e. Postcards or ordinary First Class Letter).
  • If the item you have sent has a Letter-ID or a Parcel-ID (stated on your receipt), you can track it.
  • The person who sent the letter or parcel should submit the complaint, because he or she has all the submission details and receipts. If the complaint relates to damage, it is best that the recipient submits it, because he or she has the damaged goods.
  • When you submit a complaint, make sure that all the required information (e.g. the Letter ID or Parcel ID on your receipt) and a proper description of the contents of the parcel, etc. are filled in. If your complaint relates to a damaged parcel, it is good if you keep all the packaging and contents, so that we can inspect them if necessary. Remember that the address needs to be left on the consignment as well.
  • Our terms and conditions are divided into those for direct-payment customers and those for service agreement customers.

Complaint claims

You can submit complaints directly here on the website. If you are a registered user, you can log in, so that your user details are filled in automatically. You can also view the status of any previous complaints you have submitted.

Submitting of complaints by direct payment customers and service agreement customers that do not have an account in the customer portal
Complain directly

Submitting of complaints by service agreement customers that have an account in the customer portal
Log in and submit a complaint

We will send a confirmation when we receive a complaint. If we need more information, such as receipts or invoices, we will contact you about this. Otherwise, we will contact you when the investigation has been completed. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you can contact the Customer ombudsman.

Missing consignment or damaged during transport?

Is your consignment missing or have you received a consignment that has been damaged during transport?

Complain directly
Complain directly