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Here you will find answers to the most common questions we receive.

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Where can I find the current postage rates?

Are you unsure how many stamps you need on your letter? Current postage rates can be found here.

To whom can I send ideas for new stamp motifs and philately products?

You can send suggestions to the address:


In which languages is the stamp yearbook written?

The yearbooks from Svenska Frimärken are written in Swedish.

What do Domestic, International and Christmas Mail mean?

They correspond to a certain value when you use it to send a card or letter.

Domestic: [explanation]
International: [explanation]
Christmas post: [explanation]

How long are non-denominated stamps valid for? Can you use "old" stamps?

Denominated stamps can be used just as usual, regardless of when you bought them. You can use a value-free stamp on your Christmas card.